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Lessons , Questions And Answer Key , English Grade 6 Elementary School 1St Half

Present Continous Tense
A.    Present Continous Tense
a.     Kalimat Present Continous Tense dipakai untuk :
        1.           Menyatakan suatu kejadian atau perbuatan yang sedang dilakukan    sekarang
            Examples :
            - I am studying English now.
            - We are going to the movie tonight.
        2. Menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau rencana yang segera akan             dilaksanakan di waktu yang akan datang.
            Examples :
            - I am leaving tomorrow morning.
            - She is going to the movie tonight.
b.     Petunjuk waktu (time signal): now, right now, at present, this morning, now a days.
B.    Positive Form (Kalimat Positif)
        Sibject + am/is/are + (verb + ing) + Object
        Examples :
        a. I am writting a letter.
        b. He is walking to the park.
        c. She is walking to the park.
        d. We are having nice day.
        e. You are writting a letter in the room.
C.    Negative Form (Kalimat Negatif)
        Sibject + am/is/are + not (verb + ing) + Object
        Examples :
        a. I am not writting a letter.
        b. He is not walking to the park.
        c. She is not walking to the park.
        d. We are not having nice day.
        e. You are not writting a letter in the room.
D.    Introrrogative Form (Kalimat Pertanyaan)
        Sibject + am/is/are + (verb + ing) + Object
        Examples :
        a. Am I writting a letter?
        b. Is he walking to the park?
        c. Is she not walking to the park?
        d. Are we having nice day?
        e. Are you writting a letter in the room?

Nama Siswa          : ....................................
Kelas                     : (Enam)
Mata Pelajaran      : Bahasa Inggris
Tema                     : Present Continous Tense
Waktu                             : 60 menit
Asal Sekolah                   : ....................................
Tahun Pelajaran    : 20..../20.... (Ulangan 1)
Paraf Guru
Paraf Orang Tua

I.     Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c, or d !
1.     Bagas is listening the radio with his ....
        a. ear     b. chin         c. eyes         d. nose
2.     I ... studying English now.
        a. are     b. am           c. does         d. is
3.     They ... playing football.
        a. am     b. is             c. are           d. do
4.     ... you listening to the radio?
        a. do      b. am           c. is             d. are
5.     ... he reading a novel at a moment?
        a. do      b. am           c. is             d. are
6.     Rudy and Andi ... not going to the movie.
        a. is       b. are           c. do            d. does
7.     Rayza     : Are we going to the market?
        Fara       : Yes, ....
        a. we are      b. they are   c. I am    d. you are
8.     The students ... playing football in the schoolyard.
        a. is       b. are           c. am           d. the
9.     Mr. Soepandi ... a father.
        a. am     b. are           c. is             d. on
10.   My sister always sing a song.
        ... is a good singer.

        a. am     b. are           c. he            d. she
II.    Complete the sentences !
1.     A lot of people .... shopping in the market.
2.     We are going to ... to save our money.
3.     ... is a place where people go to see football matches.
4.     My father has a new, but my grand father has... old.
5.     Travelling by air, we use ....
6.     He is writting a letter with his....

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Semoga bermanfaat. Amin

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